About Us

About Founder
I started Akshit Enterprises with a vision to improve living and working environments across Dehradun by offering the best cleaning services in the industry. The company has been built around the needs of our customers and understanding how we can help them to make a difference in their lives. First and foremost, here at Akshit Enterprises, we make sure we hire the best and most experienced cleaners who enjoy and excel at their job. I personally screen and interview all cleaners applying for a job with us. All cleaners have to pass our internal skills test. We carefully check identification, tax and residence documents and collect references before we look whether the candidate has the right personality and set of skills for the job. New cleaners initially work alongside one of our supervisors or they are tested by cleaning one of the homes of our management team.
Our History
Akshit Enterprises opened 3 years ago and we are still a family-owned and operated company. We have already expanded our service in major areas in Dehradun and will move to more cities in near future..
Akshit Enterprises was founder
Our company was founded in 2018 and since then we are so proud to give one of the best home cleaning services all over dehradun..
Our staff increased to 10 people
We started our company with 4 people who contributed their 100% and due to that we have now 10 people who is putting their best to expand it..
We upgraded all our equipment
Everyone knows that technology is changing rapidly and I can say that Akshit Enterprises packed with all the major advancement in terms of equipment..
COVID-19 Specials
It was tragic moment when everyone hits by covid but we still did something specials for our customer to arrange online training so they can clean their stuff by themselves..
We upgraded all our equipment
It was tragic moment when everyone hits by covid but we still did something specials for our customer to arrange online training so they can clean their stuff by themselves..